The Tech Fix

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Yusra Shaeik


Hey everyone, I’m Yusra. I’m an IT Technician at an MSP who has worked in the IT industry for 3 years.

I’m passionate about self-learning and passing on anything I’ve learned, to others who may just be starting out in the industry and help them succeed in their role.

This website will cover aspects such as:

  • Tech Updates
  • Reviews
  • How-To Guides
  • And more!

The ultimate goal for this blog is not to be the definitive source for all knowledge, (as there are more than enough people who have bags of experience over me!), but to present information in an easy and digestible way and have the chance to meet like-minded people who may share some of my views in the world of IT.

Also, to have an excuse to write down the things I’ve learned but let’s not mention that.